Finally here it is the RB3, and another clock that needs to be prototyped...for the 2nd time. There is a picture of the first prototype in the first picture of the post below titles "I think its there!" It is the all black clock on top of the speaker. Looks great! Ill upload a picture at the end of this blog.
But for now here is the redesign.
First of all I have to say that there has been some inspiration taken from a the clock plans that I bought for the making of my first clock which was for Seths 1st birthday. But really, to date the only thing that is even similar are the shape of the plates. There is also another version of this which will sport a childs name, a little mouse on the RHS and the poem "Hickory Dickory Dock" on the stand, which can be made for a childs gift. Which you can see in the earlier post "Seths clock remade with my new skills".
This redesign has a new escapement design with 1 degree of 'drop' and 'lock' instead of two, which should make it quieter, redesigned gear teeth, new drive weight reduction gears which reduce the amount of pulleys to 1 each side and a more modern face that allows the escapement to be easily seen. The CAD pictures above has weirdlt coloured parts, but I plan on making the real version of it in all black, with clear perspex on the numbers and hands only.
Antways...More to come :)
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